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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Workflow runs perfectly in Designer, "File Not Found" when running as an Analytic App

8 - Asteroid

Hi, I have a workflow that is running perfectly in Desginer.  It picks up X number of Excel files in one directory, processes them, and then deposits the output into another directory.


The problem is that, when I run this as an analytic app, outside of Alteryx, the process fails.  I get the following messages:


[Name of the workflow]: Record #1: Tool#13: Can't find the file: "[the correct path here]\001".  Make sure the file path is correct.

[Name of the workflow]: Record #2: Tool#13: Can't find the file: "[the correct path here]\002".  Make sure the file path is correct.

[Name of the workflow]: Record #3: Tool#13: Can't find the file: "[the correct path here]\003".  Make sure the file path is correct.

[Name of the workflow]: Record #4: Tool#13: Can't find the file: "[the correct path here]\004".  Make sure the file path is correct.


So, a couple of things.  I am processing four files at once in this example, and they're all obviously failing with Tool #13 (and Input Data tool).  I don't understand why they're identifying the files as 001, 002, 003, and 004, unless it's just some kind of counter.  I also don't understand why Tool 13 is failing; it's one of five Input Data tools, and they are all configured exactly the same way, just pointed at different worksheets on the same Excel file.


Please help!  What is causing this?


13 - Pulsar

@SergeantJack would you be able to share the workflow or at least the configuration of the input tool + any actions that are being performed on the input tool?
