Taking inspiration from this post here: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Server-Knowledge-Base/Migrating-Workflows/ta-p/335774, here's a sample workflow leveraging the migration APIs & repurposed as an Analytic App.
Just a possible alternative to what was initially shared in the above Knowledge Base article! 😆
Thanks for posting this @chineeloh - this seems to be a great workflow that should be included with the core server.
Hello @chineeloh , according to my test, current Python script in main macro in Workflow Migration App does not support target Gallery with SSL certificate which will cause "certificate verify failed".
In Alteryx Migrate Workflow.yxmc, Python Toll, request.post part where it is to post migrations to target Gallery.
Here add "verify=False," at the back of multipart_data.
Then it should be alright.