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Workflow Complete Popup no longer takes Focus

11 - Bolide

Hi folks!


I recently upgraded to Alteryx 2020.4, which is great!  However, in version 2019.4 and previously, when a workflow completed the popup message would appear on the screen when I am in another application.  Whilst this might have been annoying for some people, I found it useful because I often have several processes that take a while to process on the go at the same time, and could be busy building something else in another instance of Alteryx.


Is there any way to get this popup to jump to the active window like it used to?  I now only see the popup if I switch to that instance of Alteryx, which meant yesterday that I forgot to run the next workflow in the sequence because I am used to this reminder being 'in my face' at the appropriate time.


Thanks in advance.


@Dazzerman see if this works after saving your User Settings (Options-User Settings-Edit User Settings (Default)):



11 - Bolide

Hi RishiK,


Thank you very much for your reply!


I already have that option in User Settings ticked, but after your suggestion I tried running a workflow with this option unticked and Saved, but as expected I get the beep but not a pop-up in any circumstance.  I ticked it back on and saved my settings again, and the pop up appears when I have the instance of Alteryx on my screen where the workflow is running, but if I am on another instance of Alteryx or some other application then I get the beep but I only see the pop-up when I switch back to the Alteryx instance in question.


So it appears that the feature of having the pop-up appear on your screen even if you are in Excel or some other application has been removed deliberately. I would certainly appreciate having a User Setting that enabled me to switch this previous feature back on, so if someone can let me know if this is possible and when it would be available that would be fantastic.


