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Work with Duplicates


I have a data set where a few of the records have some matching data.  I need to be able to isolate these records together so that I can apply some additional formulas to adjust one of the fields.  Using the Unique tool doesn't accomplish this task as it sends one of any found duplicates to the U output.  I need the duplicates to remain together.


In this sample data set, I need to find duplicates where the Item, Dept, WHSE, and OnHand values match.


Site A100120SAC2419208861323
Site B100120SAC24192068416103851
Site A3001130SAC16235422630
Site C3001130SAC162352440136021
Site B3001130SAC162351986330150
Site A200110SAC8505022543365
Site A400115SAC1260031904709


Once I have the matching entries, I need to calculate the percent of the sum for the min value for each like group.  The sample here is two lines, but it could vary up to four.  The Onhand qty in the data set is a sum from a previous step.  I need to calculate a new Onhand qty using the percent of min. 


Site A100120SAC2419208861323
Site B100120SAC24192068416103851



Needed Result: 

Site A100120SAC30938861323
Site B100120SAC23882768416103851
14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @angeline559,


I attached a workflow that is the beginning of this process that will identify the matching groups, but I am unsure on the calculation you want to perform on each group.  I think you will want a Summarize tool (group by Group, minimum of Min) and a Formula tool to calculate a percentage that can then be joined back to the complete data by group.  Please provide additional information on the calculation if you need assistance completing this workflow.


@T_Willins  Thank you!.  That worked out perfectly.  From there I was able to summarize by the group to get the values and percentages I apply.  
