Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Why are my 10.0 worflows slower than when run on 9.5?

11 - Bolide

Hi, I downloaded 10.0 this weekend and after running a few workflows 'felt' like it was slower.


I confirmed this today by comparing a workflow in 9.5 and 10.0  - 9.5 runs in 52.2 seconds and 10 takes 2:23 Minutes.


I am basically taking a yxdb and summarizing on several fields and then writing out to 2 TDEs.


I have 2 summarize tools and 1 big join but it runs much faster on 9.5.


Anyone else notice speed difference?



11 - Bolide

attached are 2 selects going into tdes... i had to change to xml as select save format is not valid for post i guess


shipping tde is 7.9 megs

sales tde is 17.5 megs



11 - Bolide

Figured out that user/system settings where both set to override default caused issue.


Now running at same speeds.


Turned off system override and it is fine.
