When the "finish" screen comes up at the end of installation, I click "finish" with the checkmark for "run Alteryx Designer" and get the message "object not set to an instance of an object". If I uncheck the "run Alteryx Designer" option, then I do not get this message, but there is no executable available.
Hi @cellshoff
It sounds like something may be getting hung up in the installation. You might want to go through this article: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Knowledge-Base/Complete-Uninstall-of-Alteryx-Desig...
and do a complete uninstallation of Alteryx Designer, then redownload the installer and try once more.
If that doesn't work for you I would suggest sending an email to support@alteryx.com and we will be able to take a deeper dive into the logs to see what is happening.