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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Vlook up multiple fields from a template

8 - Asteroid

Hello Team,


I have list of more than 100 rules in a template attached sample. If I give input Columns B to column K as input I would need all the values from columns L to column R like shown below. can anyone assist on this.


Input -


S.NOAA-AmountBB-AmountCC-AmountJoint Auth -AllJoint - Internal AmountJoint - External AmountNo Movement
1Y10000N 0N 000N



Output -

Limit TypeLimit FromLimit ToCurrencyManner Of Signing
Money Movement ExclusiveMoney Movement ( Internal & External)Fixed CCY Amount                   -     10,000.00USSingly
Money Movement ExclusiveInternal Moneymovement (within client Relationship)Unlimited---Singly



15 - Aurora

@Saravanan13 Join tool will be a good fit to achieve this result.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

hi @Saravanan13 

As @Raj said, JOIN tool should be used. Please refer to the attached WF how to configure JOIN tool in your case.


Please note that if the field type of key field contains double and/or float, Alteryx would throw a warning "Joins on Double or Float are not recommended due to rounding error". In your case, column "A-Amount", "B-Amount".. can be double. If this is the case, please be careful. Or, these columns always have integer value, no need of worry.



