Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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7 - Meteor



I have a Input file where there are certain trades for which I need to apply Vlook up to fetch details from RAM file and give me output in result file. Please help me to apply Vlook-up for the trades which has comments as CAM &  MDR (in last column). My objective is that I need to see the output as same as in Result file. Please help


Attaching the relevant files.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora


You could Filter first on the Input File, to find the rows with the desired comments. A Join tool will effectively perform your VLOOKUP and bring the needed information together.

Let me know if that helps!

Cheers, Esther


16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula



The join tool is perfect for this use case! Use your two input files as the inputs for the join tool and select the field from each that you want to use as the lookup field. Then you can use the select options in the configuration window to keep/exclude/rename the fields you want in your output. Hope this helps!

7 - Meteor

@Kenda @estherb47  - Many thanks for help. I will try using this. meantime will it be possible for you to build the same in ALTERYX workflow and share it here.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

@HULK , you will get so much more out of the tool by building the process out yourself. Please give it a go!


One of the beautiful things about Alteryx is that you cannot break your data, so there is no risk of mucking up your files.




16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

@HULK  try taking a look at that link I included in my last response. This one may be helpful, too: 


The sample workflow within Alteryx also provides a great example to learn from! 



22 - Nova
22 - Nova



I did look into your data and tried to arrive at the expected output sadly was a bit lost since I was not able to get the same result. Can you please share the keys which you are using for vlookup and an explanation of how you arrived at the expected output?


Also here is my addition, an interactive lesson on the find and replace tool which works like an excel vlookup (left full join and no duplicates) tool give it a look:


Hope this helps : )



7 - Meteor

@atcodedog05 - In the input file, there is a last column named as COMMENT. So I need to apply VLOOK UP on column Trade ref (Column D) from INPUT FILE and Column as Trade ID (Column G) in RAM FILE for the line items where I have mentioned these comments as "CAM" & "MDR". So if you check the RESULT file there are only 3 items

7 - Meteor

@atcodedog05 - please advise on the above, thanks a lot

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula



A Join tool is perfect here. If you only want records from your Input file that have the comments field populated, first use a filter to include only these records. Next, connect this data to the L input on a Join tool and your RAM file to the R input on that join tool. In the configuration, select the Trade ref field from the L Input and the Trade ID from the R input dropdown. This should get you the output you're looking for.
