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Using Unique tool to find overlap between seasons

6 - Meteoroid

Hi All, 


Wondering if anyone can help. I have 3 data sets, all which have combinations of type of material ordered. I need to find whether or not the same materials have been ordered across different seasons. I can see it is the case, but I want to provide a table of overlap, whereby it states the season where it was ordered. 


Can anyone suggest anything?



Hey @swilson9 ,


Think you're on the right track with the Unique tool to create that duplicate table - only problem with the out-of-the-box Unique tool is that it keeps the first unique record in your "U" output.  Luckily there's a tool developed by a partner called Only Unique, which will only output truly unique records through the "U", meaning the "D" output sounds like it should be the table you're looking for after you bring those 3 sources together in a join or union.


It's part of the CReW macro pack - can check out the tool and download it here. Bunch of other cool functionality in the download as well.


Feel free to post a sample of the data if you have some more questions.

6 - Meteoroid

So now I have been able to find the fully unique seasons, I want to know what the percentage of total records is. Does anyone know how to work this out?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @swilson9 


One way to do this is to use a Summarize tool. Within that tool, select the Seasons Field in the configuration and perform a count on this from the output of your Unique Only Tool.


You will then need to perform the same action on your workflow from before the Unique Only Tool, in order to get a total records field. 


You can then bring the 2 data sets together either using an Append Fields Tool or Join Tool. Then the final step is to use a Formula tool to calculate the total % value that you are after.


Let me know if you have any questions on this.


I have attached a simple workflow to represent this as well


Kind Regards

