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Using Download Tool for Batch API Post request

7 - Meteor

I am trying to use the download tool for a POST API request on a Batch API but when I run the workflow I am getting a response for each line. When I run the request in Postman I receive what I'm looking for (Pic 1) but when running in Alteryx I get what I mentioned above (Pic 2).


I've seen post like this where a batch macro is used but it appears this is also making multiple calls instead of 1:


Is there a way to send a request that would have multiple lines so that I just get one response instead of individual ones? I've attached the documentation I received for the Batch API.

7 - Meteor

I was able to figure this out.


I had to use a summary tool and concatenate my request body so that I just had 1 row instead of the many I had.

7 - Meteor

Can you explain how you designed your workflow to make multiple requests? I tried setting the Payload to Take Query String/Body from field and setting variables in the payload and neither was successful.  

7 - Meteor

Basically, what I needed was to make one API call to the Batch API instead of the individual calls I was making. So in my first iteration of the workflow I was making a call for each address (figure 1). I used a summary tool to concatenate the addresses into one string using the settings in figure 2.


Lastly I used a formula tool to glue everything together onto the full POST request which I then used in the download tool (figure 3).

7 - Meteor

Thank you @AdrianWSH ,


I will give it a try and provide an update.  Hopefully, it works the same with multiple fields.  

7 - Meteor

Looks like the Usgeocoder API will not help my situation.  I'm trying to make a Post call using an input file containing multiple rows of data.  I'm not sure how to parameterize  the payload. There are 2 elements of the body string that is different for each row. 

Here's my workflow:




7 - Meteor



Are you trying to use the Geocoder API as a test or do you actually need to pull address information? If you post an anonymized version of your workflow I might be able to help. I'm assuming your trying to make a batch macro?

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