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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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User input where the file is outputted, append 2nd output to 2nd tab

10 - Fireball



I am trying to create an analytic app on the server based on user input.

A user will input the full path and file name of where the file DataComparsionResults.xlsx will go. (they can name it whatever they wish.)


I have a 2nd output, can I somehow make this append to the DataComparsionResults.xlsx but another tab?

How can I put the 2nd output into the 1st output but another sheet?



11 - Bolide

Here's a working Example Attached:


Here's what the server interface looks like:



Here your Output:



Two Separate Sheets Created:




Screenshot of Workflow:








11 - Bolide

Unfortunately, if you are wanting to use UNC file paths or any exact file path, Server doesn't handle these the same way Designer does. The workflow I shared should behave exactly as you describe in Desktop Designer. But on the Server it will only behave as illustrated in my screenshots.


I couldn't find a way that the Server can capture the UNC path dynamically. So if you are looking to allow your user to Dynamically Point to a location on your shared drive, the only solution I have is to use a Text Input Tool where your user Pastes the UNC path directly. (Still not letting your user browse for the path) But this Typed Out UNC Path could be used for output purposes.



10 - Fireball

@csmith11  thanks.


So i am having issues, when I publish to server and run, 2 things are happening in the output:


1) Writing to the path I have saved in the designer (works fine)

2) Inputting file path error. ie C:/Users/Me/excel   and using dropdown for  .xlsx


Can you help with 2),  just outputting the file to a user specified location (with the 2 tabs)?


Here is what I have tried:




But when I enter in the full path I am getting error:



I have access to the folder...not sure why it isnt outputting.



11 - Bolide

The set up looks right. 


The trickiest part is that your Server Machine must have access to to the output file path.


If you are trying to save a file with the server to your personal machine, this is not likely going to work. The server has no access to your personal machine.


If you are trying to save a file to a share drive, as long as the Server Machine has access to the shared drive this should work perfectly.


For this share drive method to work, You'll need to pass the UNC path. Here's a few links that discuss the importance of UNC paths.



The path you were using: C:/Users/Me/excel   and using dropdown for  .xlsx is not a Share Drive its for a personal Machine, nor is it a UNC path. You'll want something more like the following:


\\SHAREDRIVE UNC_PATH HERE\SubFolderStructure\ExcelFilename.xlsx


If you simply want to download the result to a folder on your personal machine, then the best solution I can recommend is to let Alteryx Create the File as shown in my original reply. Download the result from the Server. Then Save it to the desired location.


Please let me know if I can help further.




10 - Fireball

thanks @csmith11 


one last question,


I found a path that server machine should have access to. 


How can I save a new file here everything someone runs it on the server?


Ie. In designer I have it set to //Drive/savehere/datacomparisonresults.xlsx , how can I  make it //Drive/savehere/TheirFile.xlsx 

11 - Bolide

Sorry, You'll want to use a Text Box to capture the File Name of your user. The Text Box then Updates the File Name in the UNC Path. This Updated UNC Path is then Use when creating your Output File.





Here what the user Interface will look like on the Server:



