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Update multiple filters with date ranges at once

6 - Meteoroid

Is there a simple way to update multiple filters with date ranges all at once? See example picture. How do I update all of the date filters at the same time with start date 10/01/23 with end date 10/31/23? Thank you.

12 - Quasar

The easiest way I have personally found is to:

  1. Create a Text Input tool that has a dummy Start Date and End Date
  2. Connect Date tools (Interface palette) to the Text Input tool. Have Date (1) update Row 1, Column 1. Date (2) updates Row 1, Column 2 in your Text Input tool.
  3. Put an Append tool between your data stream's intermediary output (i.e. your Select tool) and your Filter. The top input anchor of your Append is where you'll connect your Select tool. The bottom input anchor is where you'll connect your Text Input tool.
  4. Alter the logic of your Filter tool to read as such: [Your Date Field] >=[Start Date] and [Your Date Field] <=[End Date]
  5. Put a Browse tool at the end of your workflow.
  6. Go in to your Interface Designer settings, and select your Browse tool to display the results when your App runs.


At this point, you'll have converted your workflow into an Alteryx Analytic App. You'll know it is an App because this icon will appear next to your Run button:


Analytical App Wand.png

When you go to run your workflow again, you'll click this button. This will show two different calendars, one for each tool, where you can select the start and end date of your analysis. When you then run your app, the Filters will update with the dates you had selected.

Hopefully that helps! Feel free to ask any questions you may need. :)

12 - Quasar

Attached is a non-app/semi-manual approach if you do not want to go the app route. In short, you would create separate Appends for each data stream. Then, the end user of the workflow will need to alter the Text Input tool that contains the Start Date and End Date fields.



21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Same as @rzdodson an quick sample as below

