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Union tool no results with detour tool

8 - Asteroid

I am working on a macro that uses detour tools to filter data when it detours in the left direction or keep the data unfiltered when it detours in the right direction. The macro has multiple outputs that I union together at the end and I also need to include the filtered records (when the detour tool detours to the left direction). I added a formula column with hard coded descriptions and unioned all the outputs. I would then use filter tools to separate out the different datasets based on the description columns. I am running into issues where the union tool doesn't initialize when the detour tool moves to the right (doesn't filter any records). I guess the union tool is expecting the input from the left side filter so it's not initializing when the detour moves right.


Is there any way to make the union work so that the other outputs are still unioned and shown in the results?


Atttached is an example.



20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus
you can input a 0 record text input tool containing all of the fields or use a CReW macro, Ensure Fields before the union to make sure that there is incoming data descriptions.


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19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @user_km 


This is an interesting use of the detour tool.  I suspect its not what the designers were intending.  According to the description "Must end in an output or an End Detour".  Your left branch attempts end in a detour but also joins the rest of the flow after the End detour.  


If you add a union inside the left branch you'll get consistent results no matter which branch you take






