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Unable to pass data using the drop down option to the alteryx output File

8 - Asteroid

Hello All,


I'm trying to create an analytic app where user can enter data using the drop down tools and it will generate output file with all the details entered by the user. I've created a sample excel file and where I entered  the header names that needs to entered by the user and connected with the input file but not sure why it's not populating data entered by the user in the output tool.


As this app will be used by many users, I want the entries to be added in the same excel(new row) without overwriting the previous entry.


Please advise. Here are some snapshots




22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @swapsingh2712 


Answers for your questions



We can built a chained apps (combination of two apps for this requirement). Where first app takes user input for rows and second ask whether to proceed. This is bit complicated.



We can configure error tool like below to check if drop down values are same and pop an error.



Hope this helps : )


8 - Asteroid



I've 4 drop downs named as Director,Manager ,Assistant Manager and Date( takes month and year).


Is there any way I can setup condition where vale for "Director", "Manager", "Assistant Manager", will be distinct for Date


I meant combination of "Director", "Manager", "Assistant Manager","Date" cannot be added again by the user


Apologies for bothering with multiple queries





12 - Quasar

Hi @swapsingh2712 


Your initial requirement was for Head Counts, Name, Gender, Location and Date.

Your follow-up questions relate to some other fields with either user selection or input.

Please confirm.  Do you require that users select from a list or input?

8 - Asteroid

It's an analytic app where the fields will be selected by the users.


they will select the values from the drop down list. I configured the drop down tool with the values




8 - Asteroid



Regarding the below query




Is there any workaround other then chained apps?



12 - Quasar

Hi @swapsingh2712 


I've modified the attached sample app.  Extraxt to C:\temp

The new user input entry will be written to a Temp sheet, then compared to records in a Master sheet.

If unique, the new record will be appended to the Master sheet, cleared from the Temp sheet and presented to the user.

If non-unique and already in the Master, the entry will not be written again and the user will presented with empty/blank Browse results.


I feel that this is the only way to show users 'valid' data entry and without using chained apps.





8 - Asteroid

Thank you so much, this works 🙂

8 - Asteroid


8 - Asteroid



Actually I have 2 queries regarding the below workflow,


 - In the below workflow, Is there any way I can add the functionality, where if  user made any mistake entering the head counts, he/she can edit it using the same workflow or remove the records.


- Can we show the preview of the output file in alteryx while running the below app?


These are my last queries 🙂


Again thank you for providing me the solution.



12 - Quasar

Hi @swapsingh2712 


Feel free to ask as often as need be.


Here goes.  See attached 3 apps.  Place all in C:\Temp to test.

The first is used to enter data, the second to select entries and identify the ID.

The third asks for the user to enter the ID of the record to delete.

The entry will be deleted.


