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Unable to Open File for Read

11 - Bolide

Hi Guys,


I would like to ask for your assistance about how to fix "Unable to Open File for Read" in the shared drive. I check the drive and there is no temporary file on it. The workflow goal is to read the files and filtered the current files (whose filename has a date).


Unable to Open File for read.png

full path.png

Shared Drive.png

If there are any easy to do it. Please also advised. Looking forward for your prompt response.





8 - Asteroid

First try dragging the file into the canvas (alone, no macros). See what it says.


First try changing the data length from default 254 to something big like 9000. See if that works 

if it doesnt 

Try changing the delimiter from the default , (comma) to \0 (slash zero), toggle #6 in the config (no checkmark) and set the length to 9000 or a big number again.  See if you can read it in. 


If you can do the latter then you will need to do the data parsing outside the input tool 

Also make sure the file isn't corrupt, see if you can open it in a notepad or notepad++ 

11 - Bolide

hi @jbravman_ 


Tried dragging without the macro into the canvas and it seems fine.


Change the data length to 9000 and still with macro, same error encountered.


Check the files by opening in the notepad ++ and all seems to be fine. No error encountered.


I can't understand about the delimiter you have mentioned. can you provide me screenshot on how to locate and do it?


So far same error encountered "Unable to open file for read"


Can you please or anyone help me resolve this issue?



