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URL text box missing in Salesforce Credentials window

6 - Meteoroid



I am trying to connect to my company's instance of Salesforce and we have a unique URL which we use SSO to log onto. I have downloaded the Salesforce Connection Tool and installed it in Alteryx designer, but the Salesforce Credentials window to input all the necessary info does not have the URL textbox to enter in my company's unique Salesforce URL (see attached image). It only has Environment, Username, Password, and Security Token, and although I am an admin I do not have a username and password because it is all SSO. The only way to establish this connection would be to enter in the unique URL, and I have seen elsewhere in these community postings of that URL text box being there so I was wondering if anyone can please help me get it to show up?


Thank you in advance.

13 - Pulsar

Hi @aarabian 


There is a version of the Salesforce Input tool that has the URL still. It is one of the deprecated tools in Alteryx. You can find these tools by right clicking in the empty space within the ribbon and then selecting Show Deprecated Tools. 



Once selected, the ribbon will update with all the old tools that are still available. 




Deprecated tools will be called out, but are still available for use. 





