Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Tough one

8 - Asteroid



If i have data that i filter out but will need at a later date (date is included in the data row that i will need later). Is there a way to take that data i filter out and save it down in a storage tool in alteryx so everyday when i run an automation that has new data, that previous data will stay until the day i need to send it out?


Scenario: date is a future date so i need to send an email out on that future date but i run new data everyday so if i reran the automation on the day i need to send the email the data i need to send out wouldn’t be included because it’s todays data and won’t be on the future date.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You can try making it a dynamic date - but to understand your problem better, can you visualize using a table?


Your input, your expected output, and what you are automating exactly.


Otherwise it is quite hard to follow your comment... Thanks



Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
13 - Pulsar

Hi, @Dittau 


I've made a lot of assumptions and this is brute force.

Check it out - hopefully, you find it helpful - Cheers!



