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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Thousands Separators and totals

5 - Atom

Hi all,


I have some figures that I'm trying to create into dollar amounts with thousands separators.  I am using the formula '$' + ToString([field],0,1) and I'm getting the $ but no commas. 


Second issue is that before turning them into strings, I added all the values as Int64 to create one total which was accurate but when I run the workflow after using ToString on the other fields, the total field becomes a long string of each value instead of giving me the correct total whether I use the ToString formula on the total field or not. 


I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong, please help!

8 - Asteroid

@Dynamomo that is so cool! I'm looking at your basic table config, and can't find how you made that happen (I don't see any changes to default table settings or edit row rules). Could you teach me how? Thanks tons!

11 - Bolide

Hi @Gina2021 , sorry a bit of a shoddy job without documentation!

I have added a screenshot and described what needs to be done.  Basically just play around with the table tool and check out the additional functionality (ie. header/data rows fonts formatting, conditional formatting to highlight records, alignments, etc.).

Feel free to msg me if you have specific questions.

Happy weekend!

8 - Asteroid

@Dynamomo THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH MAUREEN!!!!!  I've never paid attention to those since they were greyed out. I didn't realize I could click on a column to configure it. That's so cool!  I'm going to paste your workflow screenshot here so others can see it quick. Thanks again, TONS!!!!



