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Text tool or dynamic tool

8 - Asteroid

Hello Alteryx Community,

I'm currently working on an Alteryx workflow and need some assistance. My goal is to create a dynamic search feature where, upon entering a name in a textbox or dynamic field, the workflow will retrieve all related data associated with that person from a dataset. The challenge is that the name could be present in any column, not just a specific one.

For instance, if I input the name "Peter H.," the workflow should search across all columns and, if found, it should

display the corresponding 'Req ID' and other related details from those rows.

Here's a brief overview of what my dataset looks like: 

(attaching the ss)

I am seeking guidance on how to structure this workflow to effectively search across multiple columns and pull all relevant information based on the input name. Any insights, tools, or functions within Alteryx that could facilitate this would be highly appreciated.


Thank you all

12 - Quasar

I went with contains as we have the name in the notes column that includes a time stamp and a name attached. You could also split the notes column and use the [Value] IN approach but opted for contains for simplicity and to ensure we did not miss cases that only are listed in the notes.


I've gone ahead and made a dropdown list that is generated from names in specific fields (so not very dynamic I've picked the ones with Names in them).


You could also add some complexity by when they selecting a name in the dropdown you generate the alternate name format to search as well. I was previously trying to keep the solution simple. But I have attached a workflow that populates a name dropdown from fields that at the moment are manually inputted but we could potentially use Regex_match to identify fields that are valid by looking at the count of matches in a field for a name structure if it matches the count of all the data then its a name only field. I have parsed the notes section into notes timestamp and notes after time stamp for a sole name in there and also built in logic to look for the alternative name structure.





8 - Asteroid

@ed_hayter Can you please share for drop down list too?

i tried so many times but it is not working for me i am not able to get any output.


12 - Quasar

The drop down list is in the flow - we summarize the names twice pivot wide and use a dynamic rename to correct names that change due to the pivotting. We then add that to the top of the drop down interface tool and it will populate the dropdown with the fields (which are named after the names)

8 - Asteroid
Thank you so much