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Table or Query options

Hello great people:

How can I fixed the Table or Query renege (in the input tool) fixed for a workflow? So that every month from the Excel sheet the same tab and table can be picket up?

Appreciate your help.



Hi @Kinetic_analytics


If i understood well, your filename is changing but your sheetname is fixed, right? If this is the case, when you concatenate the filename with the sheetname and use the dynamic input to import it, the sheetname can be fixed. for this example, it is 'Sheet1'






@Felipe_Ribeir0 The file name and the tab name is same. I want to fixed the table that workflow pick up the same tab and same renege every time. 



The select a range option of the input tool allow you to select the range of cells to import:






I did that. Just wanted to make sure every time does this option help to pickup the right range?



If you know the range by looking at the excel file, and it is fixed, this will always import the same range, even if the excel file is updated.
