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Table Tool - Conditional Formatting & Removing Columns from Output

13 - Pulsar

Hi all,


I have a table created for a report using the Table Tool, and i conditionally format fields that contain errors based on other fields. For example if the Fieldname and Value of the field(s) matches the Error Fieldname and Error Value then it is highlighted red:




I want to remove the Error Fieldname and Error Value columns from my output but as they are required for the formula to undertake the conditional formatting they must be in the Table tool.


Does anyone know of a way that i can subsequently remove the columns, or an alternative approach? I've just hit a blank wall now, and beginning to think it cannot be done!



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @DavidSkaife

To exclude a column from the table output, you can uncheck the box to the left of the column name (see picture below). You can still reference this column in the conditional formatting.




13 - Pulsar

Hi @taylor_butler 


When i remove those two columns like above the conditional formatting goes awry and doesn't work correctly.


To note I am applying the fomula on the Dynamic or Unknown Fields first without any data, so it applys the rule to all new fields that come into the report (as i want it to be dynamic and not have to create the rule for each column, as they can differ depending on the data flowing through) which may be the reason behind it not working?

13 - Pulsar

So i got this working in the end, where you have the fields you want to reference in the conditional formatting matters - i moved them to the end after the Dynamic or Unknown Fields and it now works!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@DavidSkaife Glad to hear you got this working!
