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Sumif formula replication

5 - Atom



I am new to Alteryx, so please do not mind it


I have two tables. In table 1 I have source data. In table 2, I am trying to do a SUMIF like function, where table 2 sums for the specific unique IDs from Total amount in table 1. Which tools can I use to to perform this function?


Table 1: 

It has a unique ID and total amount











8 - Asteroid

Hello @mibra036  and welcome to Alteryx. You will soon love it!


The summarize tool should be able to do total sum's based on a unique ID. See attached. I suggest you right-click on the Summarize tool in the toolbar and view a few of the examples which will make you better understand the tool. It's a good idea to do this for all the tools in the start just to give you a better idea of what they all do. 


Below is a quick sum total using the summarize tool, using the Unique ID from your first table to "sumif" the totals for the unique id . Hope it helps. Let me know if you have any questions. 









20 - Arcturus

@mibra036 similar to @WernerE solution



5 - Atom

Thank you both. I am still confused as to how it is summarizing for the specific values I want it to look for in table 2. I am attaching the spreadsheet so that you are able to see the formulas.


I have  data in two different workbooks and I am trying to sumif the values in one workbook from another workbook.


Table 2 is the the expected result


20 - Arcturus

@mibra036 you can join the summarised output to your second table will get the desired result



17 - Castor

Hi @mibra036 


Exploring 2 possibilities here.


Possibility 1. 

As it has been already mentioned that the values in Table 1 are Unique, I recommend to join both the tables with the Unique ID to get the expected output.




Many thanks

Shanker V

17 - Castor

Hi @mibra036 


Possibility 2: If the table 1 contains the repeated ID, then please use summarize tool to Group by Unique ID.

Then Sum the Total amount.





Many thanks

Shanker V
