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Street geocoder work out of US

7 - Meteor



Happy new year 2020 :))

I have actually one question that i am struggling with. I want to use the street Geocoder tool but it seems i need an add-on for that. Is the any way to find the latitude and longitude in an address without using the Geocoder tool ? 

It should be great to have some help!
Please find attached the type of column that i have.


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @abdoul an alternative would be to use Google API which gives you a number of free credits per month this blog  should help you with the setup that you would need.

7 - Meteor

Alright thank you @JosephSerpis, i am trying it.
But do you think it will work with some arabic street names (not all records) in the column ?


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @abdoul the google API should include all the address present on google maps across the globe so you should be fine.

7 - Meteor

Hi @JosephSerpis , I checked properly the blog and try to follow it using Google API to have Lat and Lon coordinates. 
But this is the error (please see attached screen shot) that I got while trying to download the data from API. The download data is empty. 


Any idea please ?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @abdoul your screen shot shows the API worked ok with the HTTP 200 ok in the download headers and your DownloadData has a This cell has embedded newlines which is to be expected as you are likely to have JSON on multiple lines as a result of the API running successfully.  

7 - Meteor

Yes @JosephSerpis  indeed API worked ok with the HTTP 200 is ok. 
But in the Json parse tool result, in the field json_name i got "Error message status" and in the json_valueSting i got "This API project is not authorized to use this API. REQUEST DENIED".
Please see attached screen shot.


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @abdoul you need to setup your google API to use place once you setup your API to use the google service you want then it should work.

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