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Splitting Output into Multiple Files by Key Data

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,

Sorry if I missed this solution in another post, but haven't been able to find it.


I need to split my output into multiple files keeping all records together based on a specific field.  I know how to use the option on the Output tool for the max records per file, however, this splits my groups of records in the middle and I need to keep certain records together and still specify the max number of records in a file.


I.e. my attached data file would be my output at the end of my flow (the record contains many more fields, but this is the field I need to keep together).  I normally use the output tool to specify the max number of records in the file, but, in this example, if I specified 10 records in my output file, it would split a group of records in the middle and I would have records 1-10 in the first file and 11-17 in the second one.


Instead, I need Alteryx to stop the first file at record 7 (knowing that the next record is part of a set of 5 that will go past the max records per file setting on the output.


Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


17 - Castor

Hi @Drvt6713 


I think the solution I posted to the below thread should meet your needs, or be easily adapted. Let me know if this helps!


8 - Asteroid

Thanks for the quick response, Luke. I will take a look at this and see if I can adapt it.

8 - Asteroid


Worked great.
