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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Splitting Out Template based on Column Value

7 - Meteor

Hi, hoping someone may be able to assist me. I have the attached template (with fake data.)
I would like to leverage an Alteryx Workflow to split this template out by Column R (State.) Each separate file should look exactly the same (keeping the formatting, the table at the top, Drop-Down Menus, and embedded formulas). The only difference is the file is State specific. I'd like to have the Exported Filename include the State in the name. Is this something an Alteryx Workflow could do? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Hi @edmund_belleza - This should do a job for you:



7 - Meteor

Hi ArtApa,


Thank you for taking the time to pull a workflow for me. I attempted to download the workflow, but received an error the following error, "This workflow was created by a more recent version of Alteryx, and may contain tools or functionality not present in this version. Alteryx does not support using an earlier version of Alteryx to open a workflow created with a newer version. For best results, download the latest version of Alteryx." Our group is currently on Version: 2021.1.4.26400. Luckily I was able to still download and run the workflow. I see the Excel exports broken out by State (which is awesome!) and the formulas in the upper chart are intact (which is also awesome!) However, it looks like the drop down menus in "2022 Associate Grade", "2022 Grade as Mgr," "2022 Manager Self Rating," "2023 Associate Forecast Grade" are lost.  And it looks like the formula in "2022 Top Choice (Autofill) is also lost.  In the original excel file I provided, there is a hidden tab for the drop-down menus, which I forgot to mention. Is there a way to keep those intact using Alteryx?
