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Sort Unique Alternative to select preferential rows

7 - Meteor

Hi Everyone, 


Happy Friday, 


I am currently struggling with a way around an issue that has cropped up in one of my workflows. I would appreciate any help anyone can offer? 


Currently I am using two different data sources in one section of work flow, and then establishing which source in the final output by sorting the data first (on ID and source ID) to sort the preferential data source above the one I am less interested in, and only using as a backup if the first source doesnt have the data I need. Then I use a Unique tool on the ID. This removes the second row of data with the data source that isnt as important. 


Now this method is no longer viable as the end user needs the data in a different format. A new column is now being looked into, we have the information 'Location' which is a string of different cities seperated by a comma, but we need this now broken down by a new row for each city, which is straight forward enough with a text to rows parsing tool based on the ','. 


But what this means now is my initial method of sorting and uniqueing the data to find the correct data source is no longer viable. Please see attached sample workflow I have made using dummy data.


There must be a way around this problem but spent a while thinking it through and cant get to the bottom of it so would love some assistance if anyone can offer any? 



16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Why can't you use the Text-to-Columns after you've uniqued to get your preferred to record? 


Can you share what you expect the output to look like?

7 - Meteor

Thanks - I rebuilt the workflow with the text - to - columns after the Uniques. Was thinking there was a faster way maybe but this got me there. 


Appreciate the suggestion. 
