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Some Alteryx fun - the King's quest

8 - Asteroid

My son came from school today with a math challenge. I saw (and think understood) the mathematical solution. So I thought, this could be also possibly solved within Alteryx.


So here is the challenge:

It is the birthday of the king and therefore he will release some prisoners. The king has 1000 prisoners, everyone in a single cell.


He advised his guard to:

- go 1000 times along the cells

- in the first round the guard has to go to every cell, in the second round to every second cell, in the third round to every third cell and so on

- every time the guard comes to a cell, he has to turn the key (so lock or unlock the door)

- at the start all cells were locked


How many prisoners will be released after 1000 rounds?


Any ideas? - Have fun!

15 - Aurora

I was writing this up a little since it led me to a really nice discussion of problem solving and thinking outside the box. In all (for me) I looked at four solutions:

  • (1) My original workflow was very complicated with numerous tools, but did the job, and since it went through all they gyrations, it was cool to literally see a grid of lock-togglings... also we could observe that the "unlocked locks" were all the perfect squares.  Since the solution was cumbersome to maintain, slow and memory intensive, the "perfect squares" insight led to a tremendous simplification:
  • (2) Just check whether or not each number was a perfect square.  However, even that is somewhat computationally intensive, checking SqRt vs Floor(SqRt) for every number, 1 to [n].... so another equally tremendous simplification was to:
  • (3) Just generate a list of perfect squares smaller than [n]; this loops only SqRt([n]) times without even needing to calculate a SqRt, and only does one multiplication per instance of the loop... but finally, we can take it even a step further: how many perfect squares are there between 1 and [n]?
  • (4) Obviously, there are just Floor(SqRt([n])).  So that's all we need: a single formula expression that accepts [n] and spits out the answer in a flash.

Performance-wise... for n = 10,000, my computer was already choking on the first solution; for n=10,000,000, it was bogging down on the second... for n=1,000,000,000,000,000, the third generative solution was up to about 7 seconds... still quick, but the final solution was still just a half second. If you have big data or need to iteratively make complex calculations numerous times, then these kinds of exercises - looking for these kinds of insights - can yield incredible dividends. Discerning insight into our solution took a rather difficult problem (unassailable for large [n]) into something that can be delivered almost instantly.


I'm sure the fast solution was obvious to some right away... for me it was a valuable lesson. thanks for the challenge!
