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Sheets data generated by render is being erased after a while

7 - Meteor

Good afternoon, I have a problem when I try to generate spreadsheets with the render tool. 

The worksheets are generated normally, I can access them and view all the data, but after closing, after some time, when I open it again, the worksheet is completely blank, but the file is still there. This only happens in cloud environments, such as generating directly in sharepoint and google drive.


I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me.


below, printscreen of how the worksheet looks when its data is deleted.




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You can raise this issue with support as well. Looks strange to me that the data would be wiped out like that. 


Is it stored in a temp location by the way?

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
5 - Atom

Hi all, I have encountered the same problem. It seems like if you edit the workflow after generating the output, the output turn into blank.

19 - Altair

Are you using Alteryx 2023.1 or > version?
