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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Sharing workflow & files

7 - Meteor

I am working on a workflow with multiple input and output files. I want to share and work with another colleague on the same workflow. Is there anyway to share the files & workflow. I tried packaged workflow solution but it is not working well. 

20 - Arcturus

@RonitGupta packaged is one way of sharing your workflows and associated files or macros, it should work another option is to deploy your work in the Gallery so that your colleagues can access the workflows

8 - Asteroid

Hi @RonitGupta 


When you are packaging the workflow, check in workflow assets whether it is including all the files that you want to share. Please note, Alteryx only packages the files and macros that are used in the workflow. Any file or macro that is either not used with direct reference, such as in case of directory tool feeding file paths to dynamic input or macro will not be packaged.


To include all the files that are not used in workflow (as mentioned above in directory tool scenario) what you can do is zip all the files together. Add a blob input tool in your workflow and read the zip file in the blob tool. You can put this blob tool inside a container and turn it off.


This blob tool will make sure that the zip file is packaged with the workflow. This works for any kind of file you want to package.


Hope that helps.

8 - Asteroid

Hi @RonitGupta ,


if that answers your question, please mark it as solved. Cheers!
