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Sharepoint Output Tool not writing output if 0 records

7 - Meteor

Hi Community,


I've done a workflow where I need to give the user the ability to input by text box the name of their bank and then generating the output on SharePoint location with bank name inserted + file name. It works fine, but for some reason SharePoint Output Tool will not write those outputs with 0 records and for auditing purposes we must have all outputs even if 0 records. 


Has anyone come across something like that? The 'Output with No Records' (1st set) will not write an output and I actually need that will write the output even if empty.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

hi @brunosa  I could reproduce your issue at my environment. As a workaround, how about Union the dummy data? By doing so, output data always have at least 1 record.


1) Get 1st record by Sample tool *this step is just an example to have the same schema as that of the output data. You can modify this step as per your requirement.

2) Replace all values to NULL by Multi Field Formula tool

3) Union that "all NULL data" to the output by Union tool


7 - Meteor

Hi @gawa , 


This solution as workaround will do the job as it will force to create a row into the stream, however I would still like to see if there is another way that the Sharepoint Output Toll will not have such behavior and I can push through it without automatically deciding not to create an output if 0 records.


However, if nothing comes up, I will go with your solution. Thanks a lot for this.

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