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Sharepoint List Input - Difference between PBI Connector and Alteryx Connector

8 - Asteroid

I have a Sharepoint List that I want to access and enrich. Both Alteryx and Power BI have means to connect to the list. However, the PBI seems to be able to pull more information not visible on the SP than Alteryx like user id and user email.


So, imagine a SP list site that has the following fields per item:


1) User FirstName

2) User LatName

3) Content Text


When I connect with Alteryx, I correctly get the same three fields for every item.


However, in Power BI, when I connect, I can get even more information to ultimately populate a table like so:


1) User FirstName

2) User LatName

3) User employee id

4) User email

5) Content Text


On the Sharepoint List site, I cannot add these fields why is PBI able to pull additional fields but the Alteryx SP list input tool cannot?

14 - Magnetar

There is a new tool Sharepoint Files Tool. You can use this to connect directly to the files, maybe this can be a workaround for you. Note: Compatible with Alteryx Designer version 2021.3.4 and later. 

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Animanga008 


As well as specifying the the List in both PBI and Alteryx, you also specify the SP View.   Maybe the PBI is set up to use a view that returns the extra fields and the Alteryx tool isn't.


