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Sharepoint List - Dynamic Update Credentials

5 - Atom

Hey folks, how you re doing?


It has been some days since Im trying hard to figure out some way to dynamic change the password of my sharepoint conectors and i finallly give up and came here....kkkk


I have MANY workflows on alteryx connected to many sharepoint lists. They are all working perfectly but now i have an issue: my sharepoint password will need to be updated every 30 days, and i will have a lot of work typing my password again into these MANY workflows...( talking about more than 60 workflows..every month - and growing up)


Does some one have any idea on how i can update these passwords without entering each object and updating the workflow?


I think about some way to use the XML config of the object and a "password txt" to do the update but i dont know how!


Please help me!


p.s. im using alteryx 2018.1 (enterprise version, cant update now)



11 - Bolide

you could create a macro from the sharepoint output and then I think you can simply update the macro with the new credentials and it should update all workflows with the newly updated macro.

6 - Meteoroid

I was messing around with this today as I have a similar issue.  However, the problem I was having is that the XML for the password appears to encrypt the password as a random series of letters and numbers.  I could not get the workflow to accept the replacement password in the XML.  If anyone reads this and can figure out how to manipulate the password portion successfully, I would be VERY interested in how you did it!
