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Setting up connection to Database

6 - Meteoroid

Having issues setting up a database connection. I've set up database connections before, but for some reason I'm having difficulty with this one. 


I have already confirmed that I have the correct driver installed on my computer. and added as a DSN in Alteryx. I used the "Test" button to confirm that I am able to connect to the database successfully with my login credentials. Also, I have updated my tns file with the new database.


I then go to Manage Connections and try adding a new connection using "Other". and selected "ODBC". I select the DSN I created with the correct driver, and enter the same login credentials. After clicking okay, it takes me back to the "Other Database Connection" window, but no connection string appears.


Has anyone ran into this issue before? I tried everything that I could think of and could not find another discussion board with the similar problem

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

HI @dhoang ,


Just so I understand, you've set up the ODBC connection in Windows:



and in here you click "Test" and it returns a successful test?




Then you can't select this in Alteryx?





6 - Meteoroid

Yes I created the connection in windows, then tested and it was successful. The next step I took was creating and saving the database  connection (first screenshot) . After entering my credentials, and clicking OK, no connection string is populated (second screenshot).




