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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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8 - Asteroid

I have data of different month i want to filter out for the particular month like I working for July month data I want to filter out for July month.

I tried using filter tool but for that I have to change month in tool every month.

Can we some drop down or something and if we select the particular month it filter outs data for that particular month.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @sgaryali 


Here is how you can do it. You can filter like below to check for current month.




Hope this helps : )


8 - Asteroid

Thank you for your solution.

But by this I will be getting the data of the month in which I am working on it.

Like for October I will get October month data.

But I want some kind of drop down which has option from Jan to Dec and I will be able to select any month in that drop down

Like right now we are in October and I want to select data for July

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @sgaryali 


You build an analytic app like below.





Hope this helps : )


11 - Bolide

@sgaryali hi, attached app can be very useful in such instance. Refer below test screen-print as example. You can perform test run on your data and let us know. Month selection is kept dynamic i.e. the drop-down list will provide the month in list for data that is available. Hope it helps 🙂




11 - Bolide

@atcodedog05 sorry, I thought the solution was left open and your responses crossed. Apologies. 


@sgaryali refer @atcodedog05 analytical app. Happy solving!! 🙂

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @pdave87 


Chill no issues don't worry about it 🙂. You have done the right thing trying to help. Kudos to you for trying to help that's really amazing and what we want from more people 😀👍

11 - Bolide

@atcodedog05 I'm going your notes and adding to my learning. Thanks for your quick replies on community post as many of the questions are complex and I get to learn from your solutions. Super thanks!
