Hi everyone,
I'm currently builing a macro that allows me to apply a multi row formula on multiple fields (see screenshot below).
It is kind of working however I have an issue when using the macro, fields that are not selected are dropped.
And I would like them to be kept without any transformation (orignial format). So in my exemple, I'd like the field z2 to be in the output of the macro without any transformation.
Additional question: how can I easily configure the workflow to apply this multi row formula on both strings and doubles? Because currently the cross tab tool forces me to choose one or the other.
I've attached the macro and the workflow for test. I hope my request is clear enough and that someone can give me a hand on this!
Thanks in advance!
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hello @Xeu911
Nice easy challenge to finish of the week... 👀
I think I've found a solution...see attached.
I've added comments to where I've make changes to your macro,
Please test, and let me know if it works!
Hi @PhilipMannering
Thanks for your reply! Which version of designer are you using? Currently I'm working with the 2020.4 version and it's managed by my company so I cannot install a higher version.
Could you please maybe share the file as .yxmc format? It may solve the version compatibility issue...
Hi @Xeu911. Ah yes, I'm using the latest version. I'm guessing you're seeing that dreaded black box with a question mark? You could open up the macro separately and save down to change the version of the macro first. But here's the macro attached.
Hi @PhilipMannering . What I was seeing is this error message :
But now it's all good and it works perfectly!
Thanks very much for your help, really appreciated!
Yeah, you can ignore that warning 99% of the time. Unless I actually did use functionality that isn't available in 2020.4... but pretty sure I didn't.
You're welcome. I think the trick here is to find a way to select the inverse of what's selected by the user. And there are other ways of doing it, but this seems to work quite well (even if it is a barely decipherable "Update XML" in the Action Tool).