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Search based on one field and replace the values in another field using FindReplace Tool

7 - Meteor

Team, I have fields as follows:


Input File 1: 



Input File 2:

Type CodeDoc Type
HA 01234Hello


I would like to use the "FindReplcae" tool and use "HA" from Input file 2 as the Lookup value and find that in Input File 1 and get the Description value as "Hello" in the "Doc Type" field.


Please help, thanks in advance.

7 - Meteor

Hi @OllieClarke , a few of the parameters like "IN" & "KR" and some more may not be available, whatever is matching and found, only for them, the data must be populated, else, it must remain NULL.

7 - Meteor

@cjaneczko, thank you for this, even though I have used a similar approach for this (screenshot attached for your reference). But I was looking for any other easiest approach. Thank you so much once again.



