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Scheduler does not finish a workflow, which can be done in Designer

8 - Asteroid

Hello everyone,


I have a workflow, which is set by Scheduler Automation (not Server) to run everyday. Usually the workflow finishes after 3 min.


Today is the second time it happended, that the workflow can not be finished. The workflow has 2 parts, first part was finished by writing an output file.

The second part is still running after 6 hours. 
View Schedules showed however, that the workflow is not started at all (0% - picture below)

I have just run the workflow manually several times with Alteryx Designer, and the workflow is finished after 3 min everytime.
Is this a bug with Scheduler or an Error with my workflow?




Best regards,


12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar



By two parts to the workflow, do you mean to say it's a chained application?


or is it two different workflows that need to be run at different times?

8 - Asteroid

Let's say it's a chained application. It is a single workflow with 2 calculation processes giving out 2 output files. The second output file is an extended part of the first one.
I'm just wondering, because the workflow runs for the most of the time in scheduler. It was just the second time i've got this bug.
At the first time i was thinking it might be a server problem. But this time i've run the workflow manually several times and it all worked. Very cuious. 

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

Hi @NPham00 ,


That is interesting.


Are you running the workflow in the scheduler from its actual location or through a local copy on the scheduler?.


Also in the bug you are referencing  did the workflow run through or did it remain in the running state?



Jagdeesh Narayanan

8 - Asteroid

Sorry for my belated answer.

The workflow runs through a local copy on scheduler, and it was still remaining in the running state after 24 hours.

Best regard,

Ngoc Pham

5 - Atom

I'm having the same issue. I have a workflow that runs a cmd script. It works just fine in Designer, but the last couple of days it has remained running in Scheduler until I have to manually delete it from the queue.


Did you happen to find a solution?
