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Salesforce Output Tool Operation Partially Completed

9 - Comet

I am writing 1 million records into Salesforce using the Salesforce Output tool. It's only 1 boolean column that I am trying to update (all from false to true). After running I get a warning (not an error) from the tool: update operation partially completed, part of the data isn't valid. There is no further information of how many failed or which ones. Thankfully I can check because I can re-read the input and find out which records are still false. Approximately 5% failed to update which is terrible. The data is definitely valid as it's a simple boolean field so it should not have failed. This is a pretty useless tool if it's unable to give any info on which records/fields failed to write through the output tool. I could handle a 5% fail rate if it at least provided that basic info so I can re-run and target those failed records again.


I am using Salesforce v5.1 tools. Alteryx version 2022.3 and ran with AMP engine.

9 - Comet

Since Alteryx didn't want to develop the tool properly, here's the solution for using the API to read back a job ID to find which records have failed and why: Here's a link to generate the access token to use for Authorization with Salesforce endpoints:
