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Salesforce Input Tool - Data Connector

6 - Meteoroid


I recently installed the Salesforce Input Tool data connection on my Alteryx Designer, and have been doing some testing to determine the required permissions of the user profile used in the authentication. Based on the documentation found on Alteryx and Salesforce, it seems like the user just needs api to be enabled but that seems incorrect. 


I have 2 users configured for testing, api1 and api2. Both users have API enabled and the "PermissionsApiUserOnly" set to FALSE, however api1 is able to connect successfully and api2 cannot. Through my investigation I found many of the permissions on the api1 user were set to TRUE and FALSE for the api2 user.


I suspect at least one of the below permissions might need to be changed to TRUE for the Input Tool to connect successfully: 


  • PermissionsManageRemoteAccess
  • PermissionsManageDataIntegrations
  • PermissionsContentAdministrator
  • PermissionsManageContentPermissions
  • PermissionsManageInteraction
  • PermissionsActivitiesAccess
  • PermissionsManageCMS

Can anyone confirm if these or another permission needs to be enabled for a successfully salesforce connection with the Salesforce Input Tool?



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @suarezr ,

looks like it's rather a question to Salesforce community.


From their documentation, I would say those two would be a must.


  • PermissionsManageRemoteAccess
  • PermissionsManageDataIntegrations

See more documentation here: 


Hope it helps,

