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Salesforce Connector Error

6 - Meteoroid

Hi, there, I've scoured the community and web trying to find a solution to this error with no luck.


I'm trying to create a report with six salesforce tables. I've the report completed and it runs; the results are exactly what I need. However, when I schedule the report, I get six errors that are all the same: "Error: Unable to resolve plugin Python 'SalesforcInput_v4.0.0\'". I'm assuming that it has something to do with Python but I know nothing about Python.


When I open the workflow after it tries to run, each tool has the same error. I can resolve the error by clicking on each tool, let Alteryx auto-configure, then click off the tool. Doing this is recognized as a change in the workflow and I am prompted to save the workflow, which I do and I am able to run the workflow mnaually. When I reschedule it, I get the same failure and errors.


I have other salesforce connectors that work just fine. I am running Alteryx Server 2019.1.1.57073 on Windows Server 2016 Standard, Version 1607, OS Build 14393.2759, and I've downloaded the most recent Salesforce connector from the gallery. Attached is a screen grab of the error. Any help in resolving is appreciated!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @WindDoh 


Typically when you are unable to access a tool when the workflow is scheduled, it is because the user running the workflow does not have access to the located where the tool is stored. Do you have a Run-As user set in the Alteryx System Settings on the scheduler machine?



Jake Samuels

Principal Support Engineer
Alteryx, Inc.
6 - Meteoroid

Hi, @JakeS , thank you for the quick response. I do not have a "Run As User" set-up. I've kept most of the server settings as default. The odd thing, is that the same server is running different Salesforce Connectors made by the same user, just not these. Even more frustrating, is that within the same workflow, some connectors are working and others give me this error.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

When running the job in the scheduler, the engine runs as the local system account. The local system account will not be able to access your users directory, so you will need to make sure that the tool exists in C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Tools. You can copy and paste the tool folder from C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Tools and place it directly in C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Tools. If the tools folder doesn't exists there, you can go ahead and create one with the exact name "Tools." 

Jake Samuels

Principal Support Engineer
Alteryx, Inc.
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