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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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SOS0318 - Report Text Tool HTML passthrough

7 - Meteor

Hi Guys,


Trying to create a a dynamic link, where you have the name of the client and you can click on it. 


For example Alteryx the problem is that the link I want to use is not a web link but a link to an internal system. Now alteryx is detecting it and putting in front "HTTP/". 


I have done what it is suggested in other tools which is: 


[Client Name]|[Client URL]



The above stops from Alteryx adding Https, but this stops becoming a dynamic Name and rather you see



Which is not what I want. Any suggestions?

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

I think if you have:

<htmlpassthrough><![CDATA[<a href="[Client URL:A]">[Client Name:A]</a>]]></htmlpassthrough>

it will render an HTML link for you.



7 - Meteor

Thanks! I am not sure if the following is relevant:

- the ultimate output of my workflow is an email, when I generate an email on your workflow you will see that there is no actual link, what it does, it uses the name of the field as a link.  

 (if you click on the link of your workflow the link is: "%5bClient%20URL%5d")





7 - Meteor

Thanks! @jdunkerley79  Unfortunately, your solution did not work completely. 

- the ultimate output of my workflow is an email, when I generate an email on your workflow you will see that there is no actual link, what it does, it uses the name of the field as a link.  

 (if you click on the link of your workflow the link is: "%5bClient%20URL%5d")

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

I tried on mine again and indeed got the empty result.


If you use:

<a href="[Client URL:A]">[Client Name:A]</a>

as the expression - the email tool on mine worked. Likewise rendered PDF came out correctly


Updated sample attached,
