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Running Workflow from Alteryx Gallery

5 - Atom


I am running the workflow that I have saved to Alteryx gallery. The workflow starts with input file and then continues with "sending emails part". I have experiences that when I run the workflow through gallery and then change some data in the input file and then run the workflow again in the gallery it does not update the input file. So I want to ask whether this is normal procedure how the alteryx gallery works? Input file needs to be always manually updated, workflow saved again to gallery and then run in case there is a change in input file? If yes then I have another question: what's the purpose of scheduling the workflow if the input file needs to be always manually updated (in case of change in input file). 


Thanks a lot for your comments on this :) 



17 - Castor

Hey @Tatiana_Eliasova, from the sounds of it, when you originally created your workflow, you packaged it (including the input file as an asset) and uploaded that to server? If so, if you try to make changes to the original input file that sits on your local PC, server isn’t pointed towards this - it still pulls from the original input file you packaged with the workflow. If you have an input file where you/colleagues will make changes to it as you go and you want these to be reflected each time the workflow runs, the go-to setup tends to be a shared drive that you/your colleagues can access, as well as the machine that runs your server. That way, if you go into the input file and make changes, the shared file is updated and your flow can pick up from this next time it runs.


The other alternative is to host this workflow as an application on your gallery, with a File Browse tool as part of the configuration. When you come to run the workflow, this would prompt the user to navigate to and choose an input file, which would then be pulled into the workflow and ran.
