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Run the job (workflow 2) based first workflow result.

8 - Asteroid

I have scenario that I want to run the job (workflow 2 ) based on first workflow result.


first workflow - check the availability of latest files (placed recently) and create the flag 'start' if latest files available.


Second workflow - I need to start this workflow if first workflow creates the flag as 'start' otherwise Not.


Can someone suggest some approach to handle this scenario. ( Don't want to use any .bat command /run command).





11 - Bolide

Have you checked out the Conditional Runner macro from the CReW Macro Pack?


Otherwise I often use "Events" to trigger subsequent workflows.

11 - Bolide
Where is the "flag" stored?
If someplace accessible, then the second workflow can pull the current flag value, filter for "start", and then run.  
You would need to schedule the 2nd job to run periodically of course.
The conditional runner macro could work as well (I use it frequently) but its designed to assess success vs. fail on the first workflow.
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I would create a workflow that has your first workflow as a macro and the output of that macro is the record count. The record count is the number of records where "start" is present. That macro output connects to a filter. The filter checks to make sure that there is a count of >= 1 flag start value. If there is, it goes to the next conditional runner macro that runs the second workflow. If it falsifies the filter condition, it ends and does not run the next workflow. The false of the filter can also be used to email notifications or notify user that all flags are not present.

8 - Asteroid

Thanks all for your solutions. It worked fine.

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