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Rest API Call with Alteryx (SSL)

8 - Asteroid
Hi, I am using the "Download" tool to make a basic Rest Call to JIRA, however I am getting tripped up by Alteryx not knowing how to handle the SSL verification. Its a "https://" call. I get the dreaded "Couldn't connect to server" message. With Postman I am able to turn off SSL certificate verification and it works fine. Is there a way to configure the Alteryx download tool turn off SSL authentication like we can in Postman? Thanks.

Quite a few people leverage the JIRA connector (or some adaptation of it) made by Taylor Cox: 


This might be a good starting point for you

8 - Asteroid
Thanks BrandonB for your recommendation. Like you said it is a good starting place. If Taylor makes the pagination enhancement that he is contemplating to develop, it would certainly be a great option. Not sure if it will be the Ultimate solution since in order to use any open source within our network, our InfoSec team would need to review and approve the actual source code for the connector. I have submitted the question to Taylor, to see if the connector's source code would be available for review. The solution also will need to be used in a workflow that is published to the Alteryx server and scheduled for nightly runs. Not sure if the connector's need to refresh the project list prior to using it will work on the server. Oops! Taylor just posted that he is stopping his support on the connector and will not be making any further updates, so no pagination and no non-basic authentication support. FYI - some users have mentioned that since JIRA changed their API, this connector has stopped working for them.
8 - Asteroid
Our internal JIRA support team is going to create an alias that will redirect me to the non-SSL port. They have a test instance which already has the alias setup and it works like a champ. So I have been able to keep on working while I wait for the alias to be setup. I have succeeded in parsing the JSON and loading it into my SQL Server database. Now I have to develop a looping mechanism to call this workflow multiple times until I have retrieved all of the issues/records in JIRA. We are talking above 30,000.