Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Request through an interface the different options to import a text file

5 - Atom



I am new to Alteryx and trying to automate some data processing in a workflow. Neither the tutorial, nor the community nor the search engine could give the solution so it's time to ask in the forum.


In the perspective of automating the process of importing an Excel or csv file, I have managed to make the flow itself distinguish what type of file it is and import it in one way or another once you select it with the file browser tool. In addition to importing a csv file, I also wanted to import a text file. Would there be a way to request through the interface the different options (delimiters, line from which to start importing...) to import a text file?


Thank you,



13 - Pulsar

Hi @Gabriel ,


You can achieve this with text box tool. 


When you connect it to input tool, many options are possible as shown below.


So you can edit ( Delimiters to take and ImportLine index ) and replace it by what you want.


Let me know if it works for you.🙂



