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Report Text tool

8 - Asteroid

I am trying to create a report.  I added the Report Text tool for the standard wording, then added the fields; however, some fields do not appear in the report.  After saving and reopening, they are not in the report text tool nor in the Rendering tool. 


I inserted the fields from the 'Available Fields' dropdown (See insert picture) however the Beta-Blocker field does not appear nor in the results (See insert results). 


I then typed the field in the field name Beta-Blocker... (See type in) and run the rendering, and just get what I typed in (see results type in).


I opened the original input and copied the field and entered in the report text tool and get a warning (see warning).  The warning results shows the field name again. Can't add as attachment reached limit, but you get the idea.


What am I doing incorrectly?



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Can you confirm that your Beta Blocker field is in the data right before the Report Text? If so, a rename of the field might be necessary (or just a copy of the field with a different name) - to something simple like [Beta Blocker] without the brackets. 

8 - Asteroid

It worked!!! Not sure why I didn't think of that!!!!! 



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Happy to help!
