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Replace Null values with nearest left field and combine headers

5 - Atom

Hello everyone.


Alteryx Support.PNG


Can somebody help me how i get these Headers like in "Target"


I get my data through Excel and these Headers are combined cell therefore there are this many NULL fields.

Dynamic Rename is no option, because this sheet has like 1000 coloumns with over 50 headers.


The simpliest way may be the replace the NULL values with the value from the nearest left field. But I don't know how.


Thanks for your help!

15 - Aurora

Can you post your sample data as a table or attachment, instead of an image?


5 - Atom

Of course. A sample is attached.


Thanks for your reply

15 - Aurora

The attached workflow should give you a good starting point. 


The Dynamic Rename tool has several options under the Rename Mode dropdown.  In the Developer tab, when you click the Dynamic Rename tool in the ribbon, click the link for Open Example.  Then run the example workflow and review the various outputs.


The challenge with a layout like this is that you'll need to use the Input Data tool option for "First Row Contains Data", which imports all fields as data type V_String.


You can use the Auto Field tool to change the data types.  But I try to avoid data type Double whenever possible.


Screenshot 2024-05-06 081752.png



5 - Atom

That's working. Had to edit the workflow a little bit because of my real data but it's working.


Thank you very much!
