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Repeat last cell's content based on other cells' condition

6 - Meteoroid

Hi all,


I have the request to copy from the last cell based on another cell.

The original data in table 1 looks like below, and wanted to achieve results in table 2.


Table 1

table 1.png


Table 2

table 2.png


As you can see, I wanted to copy cells in Text column based on Doc Number column, so items with same doc number will have the same text contents, for example Doc Number 100005868. The Text cell should remain empty, if there was no text originally, for example Doc Number 100005894 & 9700182032, etc.


I tried to use Multi-Row tool, but it will keep repeating from the last cell, and I need a formula to meet Doc Number column condition which I failed to figure that out.


Thank you very much for your help.

13 - Pulsar

Hello @louyang 
I believe you may need to leverage the "group by" functionality in the multi row tool, and group by your Doc Number field.
Attaching a workflow that i believe resolves your issue.
Please accept this post as a solution if it helped!

8 - Asteroid

If there is never a case where the same doc number have two different Text value and you need to fill in from the latest value based in row position then you can just use the Summarize tool
