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Rename Values

7 - Meteor

Hi all,


This may be simpler than I'm making it out to be. But I need to rename values that are outputted:


Current names:


UPC12DescriptionSUM Weekly QTY CasesUNFI DC
099482160227365 Organic Microwave Popcorn Butter Flavor20.22044405Hudson Valley
099482160227365 Organic Microwave Popcorn Butter Flavor13.76349553Ioway City
099482160227365 Organic Microwave Popcorn Butter Flavor15.8025319Lancaster


Bolded needs to change to:


upcDescriptionSUM Weekly QTY CasesUNFI DC 
099482160227365 Organic Microwave Popcorn Butter Flavor20.22044405Hudson ValleyHVA
099482160227365 Organic Microwave Popcorn Butter Flavor13.76349553Ioway CityIOW
099482160227365 Organic Microwave Popcorn Butter Flavor15.8025319LancasterLAN


I've attached my current alteryx workflow.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @mrich93 


Do you have a look up table that relates these names to their abbreviations? Like "Hudson Valley" = "HVA". If so, A Find Replace tool in the Join category would do the trick! 


Otherwise, you'd have to create unique abbreviations each time, which can get tricky and may be inconsistent with other sources. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @mrich93 ,


Do you need to do that automatically? If yes, please let me know the rule to create it.




FErnando Vizcaino

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hi @mrich93,


What are you using for your source for the rename values?  That source should have UNFI DC long name and abbreviated code in it.  You can bring in that data source and use a Join tool joining on UNFI DC long name to bring in the abbreviated code.

7 - Meteor

This worked how I needed it to! Was easier than I anticipated. Thank you!
