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RegEx Replace Formula in Dynamic Rename tool

8 - Asteroid

Hi there,


I'm trying to use the RegEx Replace formula in the Dynamic Rename tool to remove the underscores from the name. However, I only want the underscores removed from around the words in the name and then replace the underscores between the numbers to a slash for a date format. 


An example of my field names are:




I know I've set up my formula incorrectly because the results are either coming back with Field_6 and Field_7 or blank and blank 2. These were the formulas I was trying:


This one to take the first underscore and replace it with nothing - gives me back Field_6.


This one to take the underscores between the letters to replace with a space, doesn't work since the prior formula gives back Field_6.



Could someone help me with this?


Thank you!






13 - Pulsar

Do you want a space after the ABC_Corp and ABCBank? Or should the date come directly after that?


The below will yield "ABC_Corp5-31-2023"


REGEX_Replace([_CurrentField_], "^(\_)(\D+)(\_\d+)(\_)(\d+)(\_)(\d+)(\_)(\d+)", "$2$5-$7-$9")


Capture Group 1 - Underscore (\_)

Capture Group 2 - Any non Digit (\D+)

Capture Group 3 - Underscore followed by Digits (\_\d+)

Capture Group 4 - Underscore (\_)

Capture Group 5 - Any Digits (\d+)

Capture Group 6 - Underscore (\_)

Capture Group 7 - Any Digits (\d+)

Capture Group 8 - Underscore (\_)

Capture Group 9 - Any Digits (\d+)



This will yield "ABC_Corp 5-31-2023"



REGEX_Replace([_CurrentField_], "^(\_)(\D+)(\_\d+)(\_)(\d+)(\_)(\d+)(\_)(\d+)", "$2 $5-$7-$9")



20 - Arcturus

@dmpope One way of doing this




13 - Pulsar

Binuacs works better. I forgot about the 123456 😬

8 - Asteroid

@binuacs thank you so much, this worked perfectly!

9 - Comet

Do you consider to use 


Replace([_CurrentField_], '_', '')


which it replaces your '_'?
